Publications throughout the network period
Adamantopoulos Theodoros, Merte Maximilian, Freimuth Frank, Go Dongwook, Zhang Lishu, Ležaić Marjana, Feng Wanxiang, Yao Yugui, Sinova Jairo, Šmejkal Libor, Blügel Stefan & Mokrousov Yuriy (2024). Spin and orbital magnetism by light in rutile altermagnets. npj Spintronics, 2, [PDF]
Bilyk V., Rasing Th. & Kimel A.V. (2024). THz induced Second Harmonic Generation in Cr2O3. Phys. Rev. B, 110, 1-5, [PDF]
Blank T.G.H., Hermanussen Sten, Lichtenberg Tom, Rasing Theo, Kirilyuk Andrei, Koopmans Bert & Kimel A.V. (2022). Laser-Induced Transient Anisotropy and Large Amplitude Magnetization Dynamics in a Gd/FeCo Multilayer. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 9, 2201283 1-9, [PDF]
Buzdakov A.G., Dolgikh I., Zvezdin K.A., Zvezdin A.K., Rubi K., Zeitler U., Christianen P.C.M., Rasing T.H.M., Patel S.K.K., Medapalli R., Fullerton E.E., Dilmieva E. & Kimel A.V. (2023). Phase diagrams for magnetic field and temperature induced ferromagnetism in antiferromagnetic FeRh. Phys. Rev. B, 108, 184420 1-10, [PDF]
Chavazas M. L. & Remy Q. (2022). Time-dependent coherent light pulse absorption from macroscopic Maxwell equations. Phys. Rev. B, 106, 014310-1 - 014310-13,
Dolgikh A., Afanasiev D., Yurlov V.V., Logunov M., Zvezdin A.K. & Kimel A.V. (2023). Ultrafast heat-assisted magnetization dynamics in a ferrimagnetic insulator. Phys. Rev. B, 107, 094424 1-7, [PDF]
Dolgikh A., Shapaeva T.B., Yamada K., Logunov M., Rasing T.H.M. & Kimel A.V. (2023). Magneto-optical diffraction of visible light as a probe of nanoscale displacement of domain walls at femtosecond timescales. Review of Scientific Instruments, 94, 103001- 1-8, [PDF]
Dominik Hamara Mara Strungaru, Jamie R. Massey, Quentin Remy, Xin Chen, Guillermo Nava Antonio, Obed Alves Santos, Michel Hehn, Richard F. L. Evans, Roy W. Chantrell, Stéphane Mangin, Caterina Ducati, Christopher H. Marrows, Joseph Barker, Chiara Ciccarelli (2024). Ultra-high spin emission from antiferromagnetic FeRh. Nature Communications, 15, 4958 1-8, [PDF]
Fan X. F., Hehn M., Wei G. D., Malinowski G., Huang T. X., Xu Y., Zhang B. Y., Zhang W., Lin X. Y., Zhao W. S., Kaplan S.F. & Mangin S. (2022). On/Off Ultra-Short Spin Current for Single Pulse Magnetization Reversal in a Magnetic Memory Using VO2 Phase Transition. Advanced Electronic Materials, 8,
Farhan Nur Kholid, Dominik Hamara, Ahmad Faisal Bin Hamdan, Guillermo Nava Antonio, Richard Bowen, Dorothée Petit, Russell Cowburn, Roman V. Pisarev, Davide Bossini, Joseph Barker & Ciccarelli Chiara (2023). The importance of the interface for picosecond spin pumping in antiferromagnet-heavy metal heterostructures. Nature Communications, 14, 538 1-8,
Freimuth Frank, Blügel Stefan & Mokrousov Yuriy (2021). Charge and spin photocurrents in the Rashba model. Phys. Rev. B, 103, 075428-1 - 075428-9, [PDF]
Gareev T.T., Khusyainov D. I., Fedianin A.E., Dubrovin R.M., Syrnikov P.P., Afanasiev D., Pisarev R.V., Kalashnikova A.M., Mentink J.H. & Kimel A.V. (2023). Coherent THz Spin Dynamics in Antiferromagnets Beyond the Approximation of the Néel vector. Apl Materials, 12, 011105 1-7, [PDF]
Gouéré Diane, Merbouche Hugo, Kanj Aya El, Kohl Felix, Carrétér Cécile, Boventer; Isabella, Lebrun Romain, Bortolotti Paolo, Cros Vincent, Youssef Jamal Ben & Anane Abdelmadjid (2022). Temperature-independent ferromagnetic resonance shift in Bi-doped YIG garnets through magnetic anisotropy tuning. phys. Rev. Materials, 6, 11402-1 - 11402-8, [PDF]10.48550/arxiv.2302.00585
Hintermayr Julian, Youri L. W. van Hees & Koopmans Bert (2023). Exploring terahertz-scale exchange resonances in synthetic ferrimagnets with ultrashort optically induced spin currents. Phys. Rev. B, 108, 022401-1 - 022401-9, [PDF]
Igarashi Junta, Zhang Wei, Remy Quentin, Díaz Eva, Lin Jun-Xiao, Hohlfeld Julius, Hehn Michel, Mangin Stéphane, Gorchon Jon & Malinowski Grégory (2023). Optically induced ultrafast magnetization switching in ferromagnetic spin valves. Nature Materials, 22, 725-730, [PDF]
J. Godinho, P. K. Rout, R. Salikhov, O. Hellwig, Z. Šobáň, R. M. Otxoa, K. Olejník, T. Jungwirth & Wunderlich J. (2024). Antiferromagnetic domain wall memory with neuromorphic functionality. npj Spintronics, 2-39, 1-8, [PDF]
Jackson L. Ross, Paul-Iulian Gavriloaea, Frank Freimuth, Theodoros Adamantopoulos, Yuriy Mokrousov, Richard F. L. Evans, Roy Chantrell, Rubén M. Otxoa & Chubykalo-Fesenko Oksana (2024). Ultrafast antiferromagnetic switching of Mn2Au with laser-induced optical torques. npj Computational Materials, 10, 1-10, [PDF]
Julian Hintermayr & Koopmans Bert (2024). Explaining all-optical switching in ferrimagnets with heavy rare-earth elements by varying the spin-flip scattering probability of Gd in Cox Gd100-x alloys and Co/Gd bilayers Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 603, 172260,
Julian Hintermayr, Paul M. P. van Kuppevelt & Koopmans Bert (2024). Coherent control of terahertz-scale spin resonances using optical spin–orbit torques. APL Materials, 12, 061108, [PDF]
Julian Hintermayr, Pingzhi Li, Roy Rosenkamp, Youri L. W. van Hees, Junta Igarashi, Stéphane Mangin, Reinoud Lavrijsen, Grégory Malinowski & Koopmans Bert (2023). Ultrafast single-pulse all-optical switching in synthetic ferrimagnetic Tb/Co/Gd multilayers Appl. Phys. Lett., 123, 072406-1 [PDF]
Jun-Xiao Lin, Michel Hehn, Thomas Hauet, Yi Peng, Junta Igarashi, Yann Le Guen, Quentin Remy, Jon Gorchon, Gregory Malinowski, Stéphane Mangin & Hohlfeld Julius (2023). Single laser pulse induced magnetization switching in in-plane magnetized GdCo alloys. Physical Review B, 108, L220403 1-8, [PDF]
Kanj Aya El, Gomonay Olena, Boventer Isabella, Bortolotti Paolo, Cros Vincent, Anane Abdelmadjid & Lebrun Romain (2023). Antiferromagnetic magnon spintronic based on nonreciprocal and nondegenerated ultra-fast spin-waves in the canted antiferromagnet α-Fe2O3. Science Afvances, 9, eadh1601 1-7, [PDF]
Khusyainov D., Gareev T., Radovskaia V., Sampathkumar K., Acharya S., Siskins M., Rasing Th., Kimel A.V. & Afanasiev D. (2023). Ultrafast laser-induced spin-lattice dynamics in the van der Waals antiferromagnet CoPS3. Apl Materials, 11, 071104 1-9 [PDF]
Li G., Medapalli R., Mentink J. H., Mikhaylovskiy R. V., Blank T. G. H., Patel S. K. K., Zvezdin A. K., Rasing T., Fullerton E. E. & Kimel A. V. (2022). Ultrafast kinetics of the antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic phase transition in FeRh. Nature Communications, 13, 2998-1 - 2998-9, [PDF]
Li Pingzhi, Jagt Johannes W. van der, Beens Maarten, Hintermayr Julian, Verheijen Marcel A., Bruikman René, Barcones Beatriz, Juge Roméo, Lavrijsen Reinoud, Ravelosona Dafiné & Koopmans Bert (2022). Enhancing all-optical switching of magnetization by He ion irradiation. Appl. Phys. Lett., 121, 172404-1 - 172404-6, [PDF]
M. Merte, F. Freimuth, D. Go, T. Adamantopoulos, F. R. Lux, L. Plucinski, O. Gomonay, S. Blügel & Mokrousov Y. (2023). Photocurrents, inverse Faraday effect, and photospin Hall effect in Mn2Au. Apl Materials, 11, 071106 1-20, [PDF]
Makowski M., Bomba J., Frej A., Kolodziejczyk M., Sypek M., Shimobaba T., Ito T., Kirilyuk A. & Stupakiewicz A. (2022). Dynamic complex opto-magnetic holography. Nature Communications, 13, 7286-1 - 7286-11, [PDF]
Merte M., Freimuth F., Adamantopoulos T., Go D., Saunderson T. G., Kläui M., Plucinski L., Gomonay O., Blügel S. & Mokrousov Y. (2021). Photocurrents of charge and spin in monolayer Fe3GeTe2. Phys. Rev. B, 104, L220405-1 - L220405,
Metzger T.W.J., Grishunin K., Afanasiev D., Dubrovin R.M., Mashkovich E.A., Pisarev R.V & Kimel A.V. (2022). Effect of antiferromagnetic order on a propagating single-cycle THz pulse. Appl. Phys. Lett., 121, 252403 2-5, [PDF]
Metzger Thomas W.J., Grishunin K., Reinhoffer C., Dubrovin R.M., Arshad Atiqa, Ilyakov Igor, Katsnelson Mikhail I., Ivanov B., Kimel Alexey V. & Mashkovich Evgeny A. (2024). Magnon-phonon Fermi resonance in antiferromagnetic CoF2. Nature Communications, 15, 5472 1-7, [PDF]
Mishra K.G., Blank T.G.H., Davies C.S., Avilés-Félix L., Salomoni D., Buda-Prejbeanu L.D., Sousa R.C., Prejbeanu I.L., Koopmans B., Rasing T.H.M., Kimel A.V. & Kirilyuk A. (2023). Dynamics of all-optical single-shot switching of magnetization in Tb/Co multilayers. Phys. Rev.B, 5, 023163 1-13, [PDF]
Mondal Sucheta, Polley Debanjan, Pattabi Akshay, Chatterjee Jyotirmoy, Salomoni David, Aviles-Felix Luis, Olivier Aurélien, Rubio-Roy Miguel, Diény Bernard, Prejbeanu Liliana Daniela Buda, Sousa Ricardo, Prejbeanu Ioan Lucian & Bokor Jeffrey (2023). Single-shot switching in Tb/Co-multilayer based nanoscale magnetic tunnel junctions. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 581, 170960 1-7,
Nyoma Danny Petty Gweha, Hehn Michel, Malinowski Grégory, Ghanbaja Jaafar, Hohlfeld Julius, Gorchon Jon, Mangin Stéphane & Montaigne Francois (2024). Gd Doping at the Co/Pt Interfaces to Induce Ultrafast All-Optical Switching. ACS. Appl. Electron. Mater., 6, 1122-1128,
Peng Y., Malinowski G., Gorchon J., Hohlfeld J., Salomoni D., Buda-Prejbean L.D., Sousa R.C., Prejbeanu I.L. & D. Lacour S. Mangin, M. Hehn (2023). Single-Shot Helicity-Independent All-Optical Switching in Co/Ho Multilayers. phys. Rev. Applied, 20, 014068 1-6,
Peng Y., Malinowski G., Kunyangyuen B., Salomoni D., Igarashi J., Lin J. X., Zhang W., Gorchon J., Hohlfeld J., Buda-Prejbeanu L. D., R. C. Sousa I, Prejbeanu L., Lacour D., Mangin S. & Hehn M. (2024). From toggle to precessional single laser pulse switching. Appl. Phys. Lett., 124, 022405 1-6, [PDF]
Remy Quentin (2023). Ultrafast magnetization reversal in ferromagnetic spin valves: An s-d model perspective. Phys. Rev. B, 107, 174431 1-20,
Remy Quentin, Hohlfeld Julius, Vergès Maxime, Guen Yann Le, Gorchon Jon, Malinowski Grégory, Mangin Stéphane & Hehn Michel (2023). Accelerating ultrafast magnetization reversal by non-local spin transfer. Nature, 14, 445, [PDF]
Salomoni D., Peng Y., Farcis L., Auffre S., Hehn M., Malinowski G., Mangin S., Dieny B., Buda-Prejbeanu L.D., Sousa R.C. & Prejbeanu I.L. (2023). Field-Free All-Optical Switching and Electrical Readout of Tb/Co-Based Magnetic Tunnel Junctions. Phys. Rev. Applied, 20, 034070 1-8,
T. Adamantopoulos, M. Merte, D. Go, F. Freimuth, S. Blügel & Mokrousov Y. (2022). Laser-induced charge and spin photocurrents at the
BiAg2 surface: A first-principles benchmark. Phys. Rev. Res., 4, 043046 1-10,
T. Adamantopoulos, M. Merte, D. Go, F. Freimuth, S. Blügel & Mokrousov Y. (2024). Orbital Rashba Effect as a Platform for Robust Orbital Photocurrents. Phys. Rev. Letters, 132, 076901 1-7,
T. Janda, T. Ostatnický, P. Němec, E. Schmoranzerová, R. Campion, V. Hills, V. Novák, Z. Šobáň & Wunderlich J. (2022). Ultrashort spin–orbit torque generated by femtosecond laser pulses. Scientific Reports, 12, 21550 1-10, [PDF]
T. Zalewski, V. A. Ozerov, A. Maziewski, I. Razdolski & Stupakiewicz A. (2024). Nonreciprocal coherent all-optical switching between magnetic multistates. Physical Review B, 109, L060303 1-6,
Y. Peng, D. Salomoni, G. Malinowski, W. Zhang, J. Hohlfeld, L. D. Buda-Prejbeanu, J. Gorchon, M. Vergès, J. X. Lin, D. Lacour, R. C. Sousa, I. L. Prejbeanu, S. Mangin & Hehn M. (2023). In-plane reorientation induced single laser pulse magnetization reversal. Nature Communications, 14-50000, 1-8, [PDF]
Zalewski T., Maziewski A., Kimel A.V. & Stupakiewicz A. (2023). Ultrafast all-optical toggle writing of magnetic bits without relying on heat. Nature Communications, 15, 4451 1-8, [PDF]
Zalewski T., Nowak U. & Stupakiewicz A. (2024). Coherent control of photomagnetic back-switching by double-pump laser pulses. Phys. Rev. Applied, 21, 044026
Zhang Wei, Blank T.G.H., Guillemard Charles, Melo Claudia de, Mangin Stephane, Kimel Alexey, Andrieu Stephane & Malinowski Gregory (2023). Ultrafast demagnetization of Co2MnSi1-xAlx Heusler compounds using terahertz and infrared light. Phys. Rev. B, 107, 224408 1-6, [PDF]
Zhang Wei, Huang Tian Xun, Hehn Michel, Malinowski Grégory, Verges Maxime, Hohlfeld Julius, Remy Quentin, Lacour Daniel, Wang Xin Ran, Zhao Guo Ping, Vallobra Pierre, Xu Yong, Mangin Stéphane & Zhao Wei Sheng (2023). Optical Creation of Skyrmions by Spin Reorientation Transition in Ferrimagnetic CoHo Alloys. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces
15, 5608-5619, [PDF]
Zhang Wei; , Lin Jun Xiao; , Huang Tian Xun; , Malinowski Gregory; , Hehn Michel; Xu, Yong; , Mangin Stéphane; & Zhao Weisheng (2022). Role of spin-lattice coupling in ultrafast demagnetization and all optical helicity-independent single-shot switching in Gd 1 − x − y Tb y Cox alloys. Physical Review B, 105 054410 1-9,