- Train a new generation of scientists and ambassadors of science in commerce in the spirit of the newly emerging supra-disciplinary field of ultrafast magnetism and spin-orbitronics that has a potentially high impact on informationtechnologies.
- Use the knowledge of ultrafast magnetism and spintronics to develop “low dissipation sub-100 ps spin-orbitronics” as a new scientific area at the junction of coherent nonlinear optics, femtosecond magnetism and nanospinorbitronics.
- Initiate developments of devices, such as unprecedentedly fast (THz) energy efficient magnetic memory and fs scanning probe microscopes.
RU - Radboud University
UCAM - University of Cambridge
UREG - University of Regensburg
UwB - University of Bialystok
UoY - University of York
CSIC - Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior Investigacione s Científicas
TU/e - Eindhoven University of Technology
UL - Université de Lorraine
FZJ - Forschungsz entrum Jülich GmbH
ULANC - Lancaster University
IFEVS - Interactive Fully Electrical Vehicles srl I-FEVS
Partner organisations
TOED – Torino e-district
HC - Hitachi, Cambridge
NXP - NXP Semiconductors